Replica Rumi's Concoction

Similarly to being frozen, petrified modifies the player's action speed by reducing it by 100%. Effects that prevent or minimize lowering of action speed, like Trickster's One Step Ahead, Juggernaut's Unstoppable, Kaom's Roots, or some Scourge modifiers, will prevent the player from being stuck in place and unable to use any skills during this flask's effect. Replica Rumi's Concoction has an incredibly short duration; by default, with 0% quality, the flask effect duration is 0.6 seconds. In order to improve its uptime, players will likely want to increase its quality to 28% via Hillock in Research (Betrayal), as well as apply an Enkindling Orb for (span class="tc -enchanted")(80-100)% increased Duration(/span), to counteract the (span class="tc -mod")90% reduced Duration(/span) modifier (stacks additively). However, the flask will be unable to gain charges while active this way, making it primarily used as a burst of block-based defences.


Gain 1 Endurance Charge on use

+(35-50)% Chance to Block Attack Damage during Effect

+(20-30)% Chance to Block Spell Damage during Effect

Petrified during Effect

90% reduced Duration

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